Bullshit. I hate people's bullshit. I hate people who lie to me or just lie in general. I'm so sick and tired of people being rude and just having no respect for anyones feelings, not caring if the other person gets hurt. Only out for themselves. This particular one goes to my friend or should i say associate we'll call her "X". "X" is SO rude to people and is so heartless at times and can be such a user. When X tells me stuff i don't stand for it, as "X" is so irrevlant to my life. I got better things to do than listen to bullshit. I really have been using the word alot recently, i dunno know why. I think that I'm slightly angry or aggravated over something but i can't really place my finger on it...
I'll come back to it if i ever find out.
Failed love with the possible realisation.You know something i was staring out of the window on the bus coming from college and it suddenly dawned upon me. I finally realised that I have been selfish. i really have. This whole break up thing with my ex boyfriend. He broke my heart and ripped it out. But I never really stopped to think how he must be feeling. He must have been feeling pretty lousy and pretty ashamed of what he did to me. Yet he's hurting aswell. I'm not the only one. He may have ripped out my heart but i caused his heart to hurt aswell. He's hurting just as much as me. And at the moment when i was sat down on the bus looking out of the window looking into the trees i really realised. My eyes were open. I believe that we should all forgive and forget. I'm trying to not hold a grudge and forgive. The more time passes the more i feel that i can move on. Today was just a good realisation for me. Overall i guess i really did need it. Thank God
Conclusion. I've come to the conclusion that i miss my friend. I really miss him. I miss his touch, his smile, his neck kisses. I loved him and cared for him alot, i kinda do at the moment but he's moved on so i don't really bother. I moved on aswell but I still think about him almost everyday now... I know what your thinking, "if i cared so much about him then I would try" and yes your right i would try. But still i don't want to be a burden or annoying. Besides what would i say to him? after all this time of us not talking for me to pop up outta the blue is kinda strange. I dunno I guess I got to figure it out in my own way or something. *sigh*
Anyway here's the video for today, just today i realised how much i really love the song. The video is HOT. Kelly did her Thang. Enjoy peeps